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It’s easy being green! 6 ways you can help the planet (and Malta) this Earth Day
And some of the social media influencers who are already doing it!

Vanessa Conneely

Did you know that today is Earth Day? It all started on 22nd April 1970, when millions of people took to the streets to protest the negative impacts of 150 years of the industrial revolution.

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Spoiler alert! It made very little difference back then. A century-and-a-half later, we are in a worse state than ever environmentally speaking, with climate change experts saying we have about a decade before things turn catastrophic! Gulp. But rather than lie down in a dark room and sob yourself to sleep, here are some things you can do right now in Malta, to help slow down this damning prophecy.

1. Plant a tree (or 10!)

Run by Maltese man Adrian Gatt and his son, local NGO Grow 10 Trees is asking people to plant a seed (or ten) in their garden/terrace/window sill. When the seeds turn to saplings, Adrian and his team will take them back and plant them somewhere in Malta. Not only will our islands look prettier, but we’ll all be able to breathe a bit easier. If you don’t have green fingers, you can grab a shovel instead, and help him sow some saplings. Follow the Facebook page for more info!

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2. Pick up litter

This little act can be done anytime, anywhere and with anyone. There are lots of unsung heroes here in Malta who spend their spare time picking up other people’s rubbish in public places. If you’d like to help them, three good Instagram accounts to follow are malta_clean_up, byebyeplasticbagsmalta and we_can_clean_it_up_malta. You’ll get some fresh air, exercise and earn brownie points with Mother Earth, so go on, grab a bag!

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3. Ride a bike

Speaking of bags, the Bicycle Advocacy Group (or BAG) Malta is working really hard to encourage people to leave their cars at home and use a bike. They post great ideas on their Facebook page and website about how other countries are making the shift towards a greener environment. The movement also celebrates its members who’ve managed to make the switch from four wheels to two, even for one day. And while roads in Malta can be both scary and bumpy at times, it might be something you can incorporate in some area of your life.

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4. Sign a petition

This one you can do from the couch! Government has several open petitions on their website which you can sign. Some include ongoing environmental issues such as Make Manoel Island a National Heritage Park and Stop the Malta-Gozo Tunnel. Have a look at the list here. It might be worth a click!

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5. Buy second hand

Fashion Revolution Malta is a non-profit organisation trying to pressure the fashion industry into being more transparent. They campaign for better working conditions for factory employees in places like India and Bangladesh, as well as tackling big fashion brands like H&M and Zara about their use of cotton. You can help by buying fewer clothes or sourcing them at second hand charity shops, of which there are plenty in Malta and Gozo. Definitely style with substance!

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6. Change just one thing!

Sometimes life is about the little things. One woman who’s doing her best to offer small tips on how to lead a more sustainable lifestyle is 27-year-old Psychology Assistant Davina Schembri. She set up her Instagram account sustainable_islander last year after taking part in a campaign called Plastic Free July and has been attracting lots of attention since.

“I get messages from people saying they like my posts or that they have found stuff helpful. I also use the page to interact with local influencers and businesses and give them suggestions on how they can minimise their waste by swapping from single serving ketchup packets to glass bottles for example. I hope this account will continue to grow and inspire people to make more mindful choices. There is a waste pandemic and I want to encourage more people to join the fight against it. We are fortunate to live on this beautiful island and we should be treating it and the rest of the planet with the respect it deserves.”

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Do your bit for the environment this Earth Day and beyond! 

22nd April 2019

Vanessa Conneely
Written by
Vanessa Conneely
Vanessa is an Irish writer whose travel lust has led her to Malta. She loves running, reading and finding new restaurants, as well as trawling Malta for vintage furniture and home décor.

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