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Cool at last: Thunderstorms and temperatures below 20°C forecast for this week
Temperatures are expected to drop to 18°C on Friday.

Benjamin Abela

It might not be autumn yet, but it sure seems like summer’s run its course.

A seven-day forecast issued by Maltese Islands Weather is predicting massive meteorological changes for Malta throughout this week.

For starters, the weather page is forecasting isolated thunderstorms on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd September.

The rain risk for both days currently stands at 65 per cent.

This weather is also set to bring about some relatively strong winds, with East-Northeast winds expected to get as strong as Force Six on Friday and Saturday.

Maltese Islands Weather had first predicted this week’s bad weather as far back as 6th September, with the page forecasting ‘autumnal instability’ and subsequent rainfall for the week starting 19th September.

These predictions were further confirmed last Tuesday, with the Aggornament tat-Temp Facebook page forecasting a thunderstorm between 24th and 26th September.

Rain aside, this week is finally bringing about a significant drop in temperature.

That’s right! According to Maltese Islands Weather, temperatures are expected to drop to 18°C on Friday, although it’s set to feel as cold as 15°C.

Temperatures will start gradually decreasing from Tuesday 20th, which is set to bring about highs of 30°C and lows of 22°C. After Tuesday, the temperature shouldn’t get any higher than 29°C for the rest of the week.

Are you ready for autumn?

Malta Storms / Facebook, Maltese Islands Weather / Facebook

19th September 2022

Benjamin  Abela
Written by
Benjamin Abela
Benjamin is a Writer at Content House Group. With his background in journalism, marketing, and the arts, Benjamin enjoys finding the human aspect to any story he gets a hold of. When he's not too busy writing his next article, you could probably find him playing with his cats or performing on a stage.

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