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WATCH: This peaceful little bay is one of many reasons why we should protect Gozo
Malta's version of paradise could shortly be no more!

Caroline Curmi

A recently unearthed video details the beautiful quirks and interesting features of a local bay, Xatt l-Ahmar. Found a stone’s throw away from Mgarr Harbour in Gozo, its natural landscape has been left largely untouched by development.

The clip brims with beauty, but many are unable to appreciate its true value, instead favouring commercial ventures. One of these is the prospect of a tunnel connecting the two main islands, and any Gozitan who dares reveal their identity is immediately faced with the question: “are you in favour or against?”

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While the link between the two islands deserves much thought and improvement, here are one humble Gozitan's few reasons why Gozo's charm is the island's prize factor and as such, deserves to be fiercely preserved: 

It’s differences are what make it stand out

Gozo is so beloved because of its unique elements. Not just the geographical characteristics or its cultural heritage, but also its spirit: the island has managed to preserve a lifestyle that has pretty much disappeared in other parts of Malta.

True, there are those who find fault with the simple way locals carry out their life and granted, it’s not for everybody, but the sense of tranquillity that can be reached there is unparalleled. Where do we all go for some peace and quiet when that's gone?

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Gozo is an adventure

Quad biking excursions are fun, but what’s not to love about strolling aimlessly through fields and discovering little inlets and caves you had never come across before? Indeed, adventure can take several forms: setting out on a trek and not knowing where you’ll end up, jumping in the sea and realising too late that there is no ladder to help you back ashore, coming across a local bakery and succumbing to buying a freshly-baked loaf of Maltese bread which you devour all by yourself, sitting on a bus stop and overhearing old men at a nearby café recounting stories of olden times. The possibilities are endless!

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It's almost literally paradise on Earth

Yes, long ferry queues are tedious and a (big) waste of time, but nothing beats sitting near the sea for a bite to eat and actually being able to hear the waves crash against the shore. When's the last time you could experience that in central Malta? 

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Signed, a proud (but often absent) Gozitan

14th February 2020

Caroline Curmi
Written by
Caroline Curmi
When she’s not having a quarter-life crisis, Caroline is either drawing in a café, frittering her salary on sushi or swearing at traffic in full-on Gozitan. There is also the occasional daytime drink somewhere in the equation. Or two. A creative must be allowed at least one vice.

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