NOUS - Local artist’s latest exhibition at MUŻA explores elements of existence and transformation
The exhibition will take place between the 25th of August to the 1st of October.

Lyndsey Grima

Happening from the 25th of August until the 1st of October, Joseph Farrugia’s latest series titled NOUS is set to send your mind on a quest to unravel the mysteries of existence and the universe.

Exhibited at Heritage Malta’s MUZA, this collection serves as a profound exploration of various themes that have shaped Farrugia's creative journey over four decades, inviting viewers to journey through the dimensions of being.

Throughout his artistic career, the local artist has utilised his creations as a means of delving into the multifaceted layers of human experience.

Nous Muza exhibition

At the heart of "NOUS" lies the theme of transformation, expertly conveyed through both triptych compositions and single-panel artworks. These pieces seamlessly guide the observer from the figurative to the abstract, while maintaining an unbroken connection to consciousness and vitality.

Transformation, as portrayed by Joseph Farrugia, is a process not of decay, but of rebirth and enduring continuity. The interplay of shadow and silhouette assumes a role of projecting the intangible self onto the external world. Meanwhile, explorations of internal realms manifest through scars and voids within uninhabited clothing.

The artist’s art also contemplates the existential dilemma of individuality versus homogeneity, where distinct identities either collide or disperse into a harmonious whole.

Reflecting on his prolific career, Joseph Farrugia discerns that these themes find their essence in the very brushstrokes he meticulously applies. Like conscious actions, each brushstroke carries an experimental randomness that defies replication—a symbolism mirroring the uniqueness of every breath and fleeting moment of existence.

"NOUS" not only invites us to explore the intricacies of existence but also celebrates the enigmatic beauty of the artistic process.

Will you be visiting Joseph Farrugia’s exhibition at MUZA?

9th August 2023

Lyndsey Grima
Written by
Lyndsey Grima
Lyndsey has always been passionate about all things content. She keeps her storytelling skills sharp by exercising physically as she’s a fitness buff and also mentally as she enjoys reading and travelling.

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