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Did you know? People from Zurrieq are more likely to have blue eyes than the rest of Malta
Do you have any friends from Zurrieq that have blue eyes?

Emma Galea

Maltese people are not exactly the blondest and we usually have more of Arabic and northern African features rather than blue eyes and blonde hair like the majority of northern Europe.

However, it is said that people from Zurrieq have a higher likelihood of having blue eyes when compared to the rest of population.

Thomas McGill’s 19th century tourist guide to Malta goes into detail describing how Maltese people “show their Arabic origin; they are swarthy with fine black eyes” but he goes on to say there is “one solitary exception, Casal Zurrico, where they are fair with blue eyes”.

He was referring to none other than the people of Zurrieq!

It is also said that Zurrieq got its name because of this. The root word for Zurrieq is zerraq which in Maltese means “to colour in blue”.

Even the Zurrieq anthem refers directly to this! One of the verses specifically says that “Bħal ħbub l-għajnejn żoroq ta’ wliedek dħulin”, which directly translates to “the azure eyes of your friendly children”.

But why is this?

Legend has it that around 7000 years ago a specific type of Stone Age culture spread all across Europe, Malta included.

They were dark skinned but had blue eyes. This specific type of civilisation settled in Zurrieq and their blue eye genetics have travelled down from one generation to another.

Had you ever heard of such a story?

1st March 2023

Emma Galea
Written by
Emma Galea
Emma is a Gozitan writer who loves all things related to English literature and history. When not busy studying or writing you will either find her immersed in a fictional book or at the cinema trying to watch as many films as she possibly can!

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