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Beach body ready this summer? This Maltese instablogger is inspiring body positivity!
Love yourself!

Nicole Parnis

Do you have a body? Have a beach in mind? Then you’ve got a beach body! Techy influencer Lor Glitz - aka Glitz Around The Globe - knows a thing or two about body confidence, and her inspiring Instagram feed is filling us with joy... We just love her infectious spirit! Here's what she had to share with Guide Me Malta. 

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Hey Lor! We're loving your inspiring Instagram feed! Tell us, what is body confidence to you?

"I have always been bigger as I trained in gymnastics, and my legs were chunkier and often associated with footballers’ legs! Little did I know that what I considered 'ugly' in my teens was going to be appreciated at my age! I guess confidence is something you learn as you grow older. People say 'you’re so confident!', which gets me thinking 'shouldn’t I be? Because im not size 6?!', but eventually I learned that they mean well too. I have days where I don’t feel good at all, but instead of moaning about it I hit the gym and cut down on things that bloat me up!"

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Why do you think inspiring body confidence is so important?

"In a world full of filters and apps to enhance how we look, I feel that society puts too much pressure to look good. I worry about the younger generation who calculate appreciation and love on the amount of 'likes' they receive. I think it's absurd, and love receiving messages from my followers that ask me about my job, how I got it, and most importantly about how good I make them feel about themselves with my non-filtered pics in swimwear!"

What do you think defines healthy eating, and what are your eating habits like?

"I am vegetarian and have been since I was little. I never liked meat, but we are imposed to eat it and programmed to believe that it is good for us. I consider myself very healthy. Many say that I still look like I'm in twenties, so I must be doing something good - considering how much I still go out! My day usually starts with a protein shake. I snack every two hours, have carbs at lunchtime and stick to veggies for dinner. My downfall is alcohol...I work in events and it's hard to avoid it!"

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What are your best tips for body confidence? 

"Remind yourself that beautiful is more than just your looks. I know many women with infectious smiles who fill up rooms with their energy - no matter what their size is! Body shaming exists with all shapes and sizes, and different body types are favoured by different people. I learned this when I was in Brazil when my figure was more in favour than my slim friend's! Skinny people get their fair share of nasty comments too..."

"Appreciate your body and what it allows you to do everyday! Ignore what people say, and overpower those negative thoughts with positive ones. Wear clothes that are comfortable and that make you feel like a superstar. Work with your body, not against it! Train whenever you can. I walk everywhere which makes me feel good, as well as the fact that I'm helping the environment in a small way by not adding to our crowded roads."

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How do you think the media and social media affect body confidence?

"I live and breathe social media. I work in social media, so it's my bread and butter! Social media made the world smaller, and I can only talk positively about it. However I know the evil side of it, and people are 'likes obsessed’. Some even buy them, which is obscene! I know that my friends’ kids time their posts, and if they don’t get a certain amount of likes within a few minutes, panic strikes! This is concerning. I am not a fan of Facebook and spend more time on Instagram because I find it more positive, and only the things I like appear on my newsfeed."

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What are your hopes for young women experiencing body confidence issues?

"I hope that more lifestyle magazines and PR agents start focusing more on this message and not just on clickbait articles. This is a very serious issue and a subject very close to my heart. I have promoted stuff all my life and do not like the word 'influencer' and do not consider myself as one. I have been active on social media for a while and my posts are very realistic! I mock myself, I mention my flaws, I stress that you should not to compare yourselves to complete strangers on social media, as many a times they are sadly lies."

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"Love and care should not be calculated on likes…Love yourselves and everyone around you will fall in love with you! People ask me why I post so many pictures in my swimsuits and my reply is always the same. My wish is to be remembered for making a long-term change in our social system where girls are more revered for their brains and not just their beauty. Their boldness and bravery are what makes an impact in society. We should celebrate who we are by empowering ourselves, by overcoming challenges and by practicing resilience. That is my goal."

Thank You Lor! We can't wait to see what you get up to next!

28th July 2019

Nicole Parnis
Written by
Nicole Parnis
Nicole Parnis is a writer and lifestyle blogger with a passion for music and a penchant for anything retro. She loves nothing more than rummaging for new vinyl records on a Sunday with her chihuahua Frankie.

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