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Are there more men or women in Malta? Hilarious Facebook thread has us giggling
Can you guess?

Jillian Mallia

Right now, there’s a debate unfolding on public Facebook group Nostalgia Malta, that is questioning whether there are more women than men on the Maltese Islands.


The conversation started off with agreements from both males and females and statements that it has been this way for years. “The world has always been this way,” says one Facebook user. “For every one male there are seven females, that’s what we used to say in my day!” says another.


Some other users quickly turned the conversation into a pot of jokes. “So that’s why I can’t find a man, cos there aren’t many!” chimes one. “Zomm wahda ha nohrog nghoddhom,” quips another (which means ‘One sec, I’ll just go count them’).


The verdict!

And as Queen Bey says, ‘Who run the world? Girls!’ Yup, as it stands, women are in the lead by a smidge with current percentages being 50.4 for females and 49.6 for males. While statistically, more boys are born each year, girls live longer – some say it’s due to the fact that girls are more cautious in their daily lives and don’t take daring risks.

7th January 2020

Jillian Mallia
Written by
Jillian Mallia
A book lover, writer and globetrotter who loves exploring new places and the local gems that the Maltese Islands have to offer. An avid foodie and arts fanatic, Jillian searches the island and beyond for the perfect settings to write about.

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