An 800-year tradition! Check out these beautiful photos of crib exhibition at the historic Grand Master’s Palace
The exhibition is running until the 21st of January 2024.

Lyndsey Grima

The Christmas season has started in full swing as we stepped into December. With numerous festive markets and Christmas decorations adorning local streets, it’s hard not to get into the Christmas spirit.

Christmas being such a religious holiday and the Maltese being a religious population, Christmas cribs are one of the season’s highlights. ‘The Crib’s Journey with St. Francis’ is an exhibition commemorating 800 years since the creation of the first Christmas Crib.

Nestled within the historic Grand Master’s Palace, this exhibition features a stunning collection of 60 cribs, each a masterpiece crafted from diverse materials such as papier-mâché, glass, and jablo.

Open every day from 10 am to 6 pm and running until January 21st 2024, this exhibition showcases works by both Maltese and foreign artists, sending a powerful message that the Christmas crib is a universal symbol that unites people from all corners of the world.

Visitors are invited to immerse themselves in the rich diversity of artistic expressions in these cribs, each telling a unique story.

All proceeds from this enchanting exhibition will directly contribute to the Malta Community Chest Fund, reinforcing the spirit of charity and goodwill that defines the holiday season.

Get ready to experience the magic and tradition as you transport through centuries of Christmas joy at the Grand Master’s Palace.

Will you be visiting this exhibition?

4th December 2023

Lyndsey Grima
Written by
Lyndsey Grima
Lyndsey has always been passionate about all things content. She keeps her storytelling skills sharp by exercising physically as she’s a fitness buff and also mentally as she enjoys reading and travelling.

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