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8 yummy treats that made our childhood great
Oh sweet memories

Caroline Curmi

There has never been as much chocolatey variety around the world as there is now, but no matter how many delicious treats come our way, our hearts will always be set on the loyal companions that made our childhood great. Let's count them down shall we?


1. Old school Smarties

Before celebrity hysteria took over, our obsessions were more chocolate oriented. Not only was this chocolatey tube of goodness a lunchbox regular, its plastic cap imprinted with letters of the alphabet caused about 50% of playground squabbles, with friends squabbling over who would get to keep the cap whose letter matched their initials.

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2. Jumbo

They’re amongst the tastiest salty treats but the best part was licking off the sticky crumbly residue from our fingers, which would continue oozing a manufactured cheesy odour for days to come. Mama wasn’t pleased, but our mischievous side was hella satisfied.

3. Candy Cigarettes

We all lived for any excuse to act like the grownups, which is what made candy cigarettes the ultimate underground childhood treat. Looking back though, we now get parents’ refusal to purchase these for their kids. ‘Hook ‘em when they’re young!’ – yeah parents were smarter than we gave them credit for.

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4. Dak tac-chewing gum!

We’re not sure of its actual name, but we sure remember throwing tantrums at the supermarket for our mums to get us a gelat tac-chewing gum (aka chewing gum ice-cream). The fear counter tactic was never far off, with the standard replies along the lines of dak tifga fih! (you’ll choke on it). However, where mothers never relented, the cool aunt or uncle in the family would always step in. 

5. Kinder Sorpresa

Children nowadays are unable to see the appeal behind this treat, but back in the day the thought of getting a sugar rush AND a toy was the epitome of winning!

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6. Candy strips

The sound of people munching on chewing gum might have caused that particular treat to be prohibited from schools and homes across the country, but we all found a way to beat that ban and chew away to our hearts desires.

7. Baby bottle pop

We might have always been trying to appear like the big kids on the block, but we didn’t mind sucking on this pacifier in plain view of everyone.

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8. Kitkat Chunky

A relatively modern addition, Kitkat Chunky was the ultimate playground status symbol, for who else could chow down a monstrous chocolate bar but the big kid on the block?

SPECIAL MENTION: Biskuttini tar-rahal

They may not have been the most imaginative of treats, but these village biscuits were always readily available at grandparents’ houses. And when family gatherings escalated into political or religious discussions, what else was a youngster to do other than stuff their faces?

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What other treats made your list?

4th December 2019

Caroline Curmi
Written by
Caroline Curmi
When she’s not having a quarter-life crisis, Caroline is either drawing in a café, frittering her salary on sushi or swearing at traffic in full-on Gozitan. There is also the occasional daytime drink somewhere in the equation. Or two. A creative must be allowed at least one vice.

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