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44 countries & counting! Follow in the steps of this Maltese nomad
21-year-old Marc is experiencing the world's beauty

Melanie Drury

Marc Pace

Marc Edward Pace Portanier, 21, was born on this small island of Malta and lives in Pembroke. But he’s already travelled to 44 countries in three continents and is aiming to hit 50 by the end of 2019. He also aims to “hit every habitable continent” by the age of 25. Not the average Maltese guy, but, he reckons, everyone should do what he’s doing. Why? And what’s his story? Let’s find out.

When and where was your first ever trip outside the Maltese Islands?

"My parents took me to Lourdes in France when I was six weeks old to be blessed. Then the first trip I can remember was also to Lourdes when I was five years old, this time to get my younger sister blessed. I remember jumping into every fountain we came across in various cities in the south of France and Andorra!"

How did your passion for travel develop?

"When I was a child, my family and I went abroad for a two-week trip, just before school, then took another trip over Christmas and then another over Easter. During my early teens, however, I could feel the sense of wanderlust and that going away three times a year wasn’t enough. I would sign myself up for any exchange I could at school just to get to travel more."

Marc Travel

Do you prefer to travel solo or in company?

"I usually travel solo. I still try to fit in a family trip and one with friends but I feel that travelling solo helps you understand yourself more. You tend to find yourself more since you have only yourself to rely on. I have made friends all over the world and many trips begin with visits to specific places and then move on from there."

Do you prefer many short trips or longer-term travel?

"I like to travel at least once every four to six weeks for five days to a week. I also try to include a two to three-week trip per year. I juggle trips in between a very tight schedule of full-time university and freelance photography but September tends to be a less busy month that allows me to travel longer."


Do you prefer to cover many miles at a time or find a good spot and get to know it really well?

"I tend to enjoy exploring a country as much as possible so I’ll spend a day maximum two in a city and move on."

How many countries have you visited so far?

"I’ve been to 44 countries in three continents but I have made multiple trips to several countries. For example, I have made around 50 trips to Germany, Italy and Poland together."

Which of these countries has had the greatest impact on your life view?

"Bosnia Herzegovina left a very big impact on me. Having a journalistic background, you’ll find me trying to get to know people and the stories they have to tell. In addition, I spent a few days trekking through Prasuma Perucica, which is the last rainforest in Europe. It was shocking to realise one’s own destructive effects on the environment and this trip made me more environmentally conscious, leading me to shun single-use plastics."


Which single travel episode has deeply moved you and why did it pull your heart strings?

"While on a job with a local TV show in Palestine, I was spending the night at a hotel along the wall which separates Palestine from Israel, and it hit me that some people here had never ventured outside this wall. I realised how lucky I was to be able to travel at a moment’s notice."

"Even more touching was spending the day helping out at Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem. I will never forget the smiles of the little kids, every one of them pulling at my trousers and T-shirt to get turns playing with the camera. This was a truly memorable experience which motivated me to spend time on the road telling people’s stories, but that’s something down the line once I finish university."

What is the most memorable thing that happened during your travels and why is it unforgettable?

"I think the most memorable moments are those shared with new friends you make. Such as those made at 4am singing karaoke in the basement of a dodgy looking bar where no-one speaks English."

"Other memorable moments are those which make you feel in awe of nature. For example, when I was climbing Mosor Range in Croatia, I saw the whole range beneath me while the sun was setting over the horizon." 

Unexpected crazy adventures

What is the most unexpected thing you’ve done during your travels and how did you come to do it?

"I’ve had quite a few unexpected borderline insane moments. For example, one was going for a swim during a full blown storm - I have no idea why we did it; it just was like “Let’s go!”. And, the same for getting a last-minute flight to Rome just to have lunch and return!"

"Another hilarious moment was when I was in a restaurant and had no idea what was written on the menu because it was in Cyrillic. I just pointed at a good looking plate and ended up eating a stuffed snake."

What are the greatest things you’ve learned from travelling?

"Thinking on my feet and being confident outside my comfort zone must be two of the most important things I’ve learned. While I’m quite adventurous and enjoy putting myself in new situations, I’ve had to learn to improvise and think fast in situations where I needed to get out of a sticky situation, like missing a connecting flight. On the road, you gain a natural skill on what to do and how to do it efficiently."

"I’ve also learned to appreciate the value of effort. Nothing worth having comes easy, as they say. Climb that hill to get to this fort to experience the most Instagrammable view. Take that long trip to get to this awesome location. Travelling teaches you to push yourself to get that well-earned reward."

Marc Travel Lessons

Do you enjoy coming back to Malta as your home base?

"I’m Maltese born and bred. My family is here. My friends are here. And I feel emotional looking down at the lush green fields and beautiful beaches when the plane is on its final approach - it’s difficult to explain. I love exploring but Malta will always be home."

Do you think people should travel?

"DEFINITELY! GO! GO! GO! Not doing this might be the biggest regret you may have in the future. Nowadays, travelling is more efficient, easier and cheaper than ever. I’ve booked flights for the same price as a coffee and croissant in Malta!"

"Travelling expands your views and, at the risk of sounding like a cliché, it’s the only thing we buy that actually makes us richer. Travelling offers new and different perspectives and skills, such as effective time management, resourcefulness and discovering what ‘the essentials’ really are when packing light. Apart from the destination itself, travelling on long train rides and flights offer you the time to think and just be with yourself. Even a quick weekend break can press the reset button."


What advice would you give anyone wishing to travel?

"Just go for it! The world is a book and each country is a page. The more you travel, the more you read. Life is short and the world is small. Yes, I know these statements are corny, but it’s the truth. We spend too much money on worthless stuff and short-term pleasures that have no lasting impact. Reduce that kind of spending and save the money to travel instead to make your life and heart fuller with rich experiences.. We tend to strand ourselves in the nine-to-five cycle and forget to live. So TAKE THAT FLIGHT!"

1st May 2019

Melanie Drury
Written by
Melanie Drury
Melanie was born and raised in Malta and has spent a large chunk of her life travelling solo around the world. Back on the island with a new outlook, she realised just how much wealth her little island home possesses.

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