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These early photos of pioneering ceramist and sculptor Gabriel Caruana reminds us of his lasting legacy on Maltese art.
Caruana was not only one of Malta’s foremost artists, but he also dedicated a lifetime to advancing the scene on the island

Rebecca Anastasi

The death of Gabriel Caruana, the renowned ceramist and sculptor, and one of the pioneers of Malta’s modern art movement, has come as a shock and has brought sorrow to those who knew him, and those who knew of him. But, Malta has lost more than a great artist – it has also lost a great champion for the Maltese art scene and an inspiration to all those trying to find their artistic voice on the small island. And, these photos remind us of his incalculable influence on the history of art in Malta.

These early photos of pioneering ceramist and sculptor Gabriel Caruana reminds us of his lasting legacy on Maltese art.

gabrielcaruanafoundation / Instagram

He started his forays into the scene with his studies at the Malta School of Art, as well as in the US and in Italy. He was tutored by world-renowned abstract artist Victor Pasmore, who was one of the architects of the international modernist movement, as well as Maltese painter and abstract artist Emvin Cremona and the sculptor Vincent Apap, whose work includes the recently-restored Triton Fountain at the entrance of Valletta. 

These early photos of pioneering ceramist and sculptor Gabriel Caruana reminds us of his lasting legacy on Maltese art.

Gabriel Caruana Foundation / Facebook: Sculpture by Gabriel Caruana at the Malta Trade Fair, 1962

Caruana was dedicated to bringing art out of privileged arenas and into the public view, and his work with Carnival floats in the ‘60s is testament to this. His modernist tendencies can even be seen in the creations which formed part of these early float parades, showing an artistic vision far removed from the Baroque tendencies of church-inspired painting and artistic endeavour, but firmly inspired by the traditions and tone of the island which was his home.

These early photos of pioneering ceramist and sculptor Gabriel Caruana reminds us of his lasting legacy on Maltese art.

Gabriel Caruana Foundation / Facebook

He worked in different media and was always ready to push the envelope, through his use of everyday objects, as well as organic and non-organic materials. In so doing, he transformed the public’s perception of ceramics, emphasising their artistic potentialities and securing his reputation as one of Malta’s foremost ceramists and sculptors. He was even awarded with the Medal for Artistic Achievement by the state in 1999.

These early photos of pioneering ceramist and sculptor Gabriel Caruana reminds us of his lasting legacy on Maltese art.

gabrielcaruanafoundation / Instagram: Caruana with Victor Pasmore and Wendy Pasmore

He was also single-minded about passing the love and practice of contemportary art to future generations: the setting up of the Mill Arts, Culture and Crafts Centre (MACCC) has been instrumental in the continuous push for the form while the Gabriel Caruana Foundation (GCF) continues to provide opportunities for Maltese artists working today.

Rebecca Anastasi
Written by
Rebecca Anastasi
Rebecca has dedicated her career to writing and filmmaking, and is committed to telling stories from this little rock in the Mediterranean.

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