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YAS! Local songtress Mikaela could be Inked Magazine’s next Cover Girl
What a queen!

Jillian Mallia

Inked Magazine is looking for it’s Cover Girl for the 2019 issue, and this Maltese singer could very well be it! Meet Mikaela Attard, the Maltese singing sensation and tatted-up babe who is in the running for Inked’s cover girl post.

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She’s shooting for the stars and after five rounds of voting, she was bumped to 2nd place in her group, which meant she sadly didn't get through to the final. Boo! But now, she’s back! 

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“I narrowly missed the top spot, but I’ve been given a second chance to be in the finals through a wildcard round!” Mikaela announced in a Facebook post. She now needs your help!

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Vote for Mikaela Attard to be Inked Magazine’s next Cover Girl here. “Please vote everyday for the next three days or vote with musicares to send more votes,” she says. We're keeping our fingers crossed for her!

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Go on! Vote!

25th July 2019

Jillian Mallia
Written by
Jillian Mallia
A book lover, writer and globetrotter who loves exploring new places and the local gems that the Maltese Islands have to offer. An avid foodie and arts fanatic, Jillian searches the island and beyond for the perfect settings to write about.

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