What an atmosphere! 6 photos of Valletta’s feast of St Paul’s Shipwreck celebrations
The Beltin know how to throw a great party.

Sarah Micallef

Yesterday, locals and visitors alike took to the streets of Malta’s capital in droves to celebrate the feast of St Paul’s Shipwreck in Valletta – and boy, did the city look celebratory, decked out in its festa best!

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It all kicked off with a mass held at the stunning Church of St Paul’s Shipwreck. The mass was celebrated by Archbishop Charles Scicluna and attended by President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca and several politicians.

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As is the case every year, mass was followed by the traditional march along the streets of the capital, which is where the party atmosphere really begins!

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The feast marks the first public holiday of the year, and gives festa enthusiasts their first taste of the revelry and community atmosphere that comes hand-in-hand with these unique local celebrations.

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Colourful bandalori (specially-made banners) adorned the streets, as streamers filled the air – boy, do the Beltin know how to throw a party!

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As the marching band played their celebratory music, no local festa celebration is complete without showcasing the beloved statue of the patron saint, and it’s no different for St Paul! Here he is, out in full glory.

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Did you attend the celebrations for the feast of St Paul’s Shipwreck? What did you think?

11th February 2019

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