Stunning! These 18 timeless photos of Valletta prove Malta's capital is a heart-breaker
Some of the most authentic, local and timeless images of Malta's capital: Valletta.

Melanie Drury

It is over 450 years old, yet Valletta, Malta's distinguished capital built by the Knights of Malta, remains timeless through the ages. While activity in the city streets may have changed somewhat, the walled city still exudes an air of enduring immortality.

It would seem that whether it's the year 1565, 1812 or 2019 makes little difference: the stones remain silent in the shadows of the night and speak volumes of the human story abiding within a city that's a bridge between sea and sky. These authentic, local, timeless photos of Valletta reveal some of that human story; the story of a city built 'by gentlemen for gentlemen'.

1. Picture perfect

This photo of the Renaissance city looks more like a painting!

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2. Eat, pray, love

Taste indulgence, find your soul and feel the romance in the city.

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3. All roads lead to...

No, not Rome. In the case of Valletta, all roads lead to the sea.

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4. Valletta character

Wooden balconies, vintage shop signs and cobbled streets with armour-friendly steps are just some of it.

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5. The detail

Not sure what's more captivating: the weathered wall, the shop sign, the garage door, the Yucca plant or what? 

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6. The contrasts

And how about up-to-date artistic designs advertised on a sign that's at least five decades old?

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7. The variety

Same same but different... with all that can be found in Valletta's nooks and crannies, no wonder it enchants its visitors.

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8. Which year is it?

Is this really almost 2020 or was that phone box a cousin of Dr Who's time machine that got me accidentally stranded in another era?

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9. Oh yes!

It's the time machine!

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10. Characteristic features

You may get lost in time but you recognise Valletta when you see it. One characteristic is definitely the long, narrow, sloping streets.

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11. More of those...

Al fresco tables and chairs, potted plants, chapels and men whiling time away are all part of the status quo of Valletta.

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12. The architecture

The narrow stepped streets, decorative architecture, niches with saints, bridges and arches are only part of it.

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13. The stepped streets

Fun fact: the shallow steps were designed to prevent men in suits of armour breaking too much of a sweat.

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14. The classic Maltese

The lauded Maltese balconies also deserve a dedicated mention.

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15. The history

Ultimately, the concentration of historic monuments have earned Valletta the description of an open-air museum.

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16. It's fashionable

When it has so many unique and stunning looks, no wonder Valletta attracts the attention of even the high life.

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17. It's humble

Yet, amid the business and the art, there's a certain down to earth readiness in the local life that is simply enchanting.

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Melanie Drury
Written by
Melanie Drury
Melanie was born and raised in Malta and has spent a large chunk of her life travelling solo around the world. Back on the island with a new outlook, she realised just how much wealth her little island home possesses.

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