Shark-friendly island! Malta leads in protection of the Mediterranean’s finned friends
Malta’s making waves in shark conservation! A recent study covered by Times of Malta has praised the island for its significant efforts to protect sharks, rays, and skates in the Mediterranean. With 27 actions, policies, and initiatives in place, Malta ranks fifth, ahead of many countries with larger economies, like France and Turkey.
A big shoutout goes to Sharklab-Malta, the local NGO leading the charge with innovative programmes, including breeding and releasing sharks back into the wild. Since 2011, they’ve successfully released 371 sharks into the sea. This all started after a chance discovery of a shark egg, which inspired the team to begin collecting eggs to help endangered species.
Malta’s proactive approach has earned it a reputation as a leader in shark conservation, from being the first European country to protect the Great White Shark in 1999 to playing a key role in the ELASMOMED database, which tracks genetic data to support shark research.
With 35 species of sharks spotted in Maltese waters over the years, the island’s efforts are proving to be a real success in safeguarding these fascinating creatures.
Keep it up, Malta!