Bubbles and more bubbles! Titled 'The Rainbow Fish', this magical event promises to captivate the young participants and delight them as they explore the azure realm this tale is set in. Heritage Malta is inviting young ones, aged 3 to 6 years, to dive into the enchanting world of a beautiful fish with sparkling scales, in an interactive storytelling session at the Gozo Nature Museum. Offered in English at 10:00 am and in Maltese at 11:30 am, the story of this colourful fish will instill valuable lessons about friendship and sharing. Engaging narration and vibrant visuals will bring the story to life, sparking imaginations and touching hearts as children witness the transformation of the Rainbow Fish from prideful to generous. After the storytelling session, childen will get hands-on fun by decorating their own fish-shaped biscuits. Using colourful icing and edible decorations, they will recreate the dazzling scales of the Rainbow Fish, bring the story to life in a delicious and creative way.
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