As Summer draws to an end, Il-Hagar Museum in Victoria, Gozo, is all set for the opening of a new temporary exhibition by artists Henry Alamango and Galina Troizky. The title chosen for this exhibition - Lost Paradise - evokes the English poet John's Milton's famous epic poem Paradise Lost and explores the concept of continuously searching for a ''paradise'' elsewherre while remaining blind to the ''paradise'' in the here and now. In this pursuit, our roots, family, community, identity, and culture are irrevocably sacrificed in the mad desire for a ''lost paradise''.The exhibition reflects a reality with which most viewers will be intimately familiar. Yet, the exhibits invite an inner examination of our pursuit of what we perceive as the ''good'' life, the paraduse we yearn for but might already have at our disposal, if only we were not too distracted or disoriented to truly appreciate it. The exhibition will be inaugurared on Friday, 6th September at 19:30hrs, and will remain open until Sunday 10th November.
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