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5 ways to make the most of the extra hour we’ll get this weekend
Oh all the things we plan to do to you, extra hour

Caroline Curmi

This Sunday, the clocks are turning back one hour to introduce us to Malta's harsh wintertime reality: leaving for and returning from work in near-total darkness. But rather than succumbing to seasonal disorder, having an extra hour to your day does provide some exciting prospects.

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1. Longer weekend

Picture this. You get home at the respectable hour of 2am, sit down on the sofa, look at your phone and realise it’s still 1am. After a moment of consideration (can my bank account afford this?) and hesitation (can my body handle it?), you pick up your keys and head back out. Saturday night 2.0? Sounds about right.

2. One whole extra hour of sleep!

(Contd.) Finally you make it to bed as the sun starts breaking through the clouds. You don’t pay much attention to the time, you can barely figure out which part of your body is your elbow anyway. Fast forward a couple of hours and you’ve just woken up. You glance at the clock, realise its only 11am, and you settle back into bed because after all, the morning is still young. But it’s OK, it’s not like it won’t take you another week to realise that your weekend’s happy ending wasn’t due to luck but to the clock turning back an hour. 

3. …and one extra hour of Sunday Sadness

No matter how much we profess to love our job, we’re all guilty of going into Sunday evening desperation mode in ill anticipation of the workweek ahead. Stock up on chocolates and wine - looks like there’s going to be an extra hour of commiseration to do this weekend.

4. Morning power walk time

Most of our 2019 resolutions revolved around fitness in some way. Whether it was to lose your trimmings or pile some fat unto your skeleton, we all committed to it for the full span of 273 seconds. With sun season over and our summer body dreams dashed (for the seventh year in a row), the only way we can finish the year guilt-free is to prepare our bodies for holiday weight gain. Not having time is no longer an option, an hour of your day is waiting to be filled. How about that morning power walk we talked about three seasons ago?

5. Netflix and chill (and more Netflix)

A full work week can be tough, and with the dozens of series that have started airing again, the FOMO is real. But with the added hour to your weekend, the chance of binging through a WHOLE series has now become increasingly likelier.

Which option will you be going for? 

25th October 2019

Caroline Curmi
Written by
Caroline Curmi
When she’s not having a quarter-life crisis, Caroline is either drawing in a café, frittering her salary on sushi or swearing at traffic in full-on Gozitan. There is also the occasional daytime drink somewhere in the equation. Or two. A creative must be allowed at least one vice.

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