What's in a surname? You be the judge! This time, it's Micallef
A level-headed last name!

Nicole Parnis

First names these days have got quite inventive on the Maltese Islands. From Zayden to Sharizaya and Dnegel, (that’s Legend spelled backwards to you and me), we sure are a creative bunch!

Historically, as a predominantly Roman Catholic country, most first names have religious and saintly connotations. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and all their derivatives, can be found in almost every family, and let's not forget Marija and Ġuzi! However, when it comes to surnames, us Maltese have a lot to thank the Arabic language for!

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One commonly heard surname is Micallef, who’s origins are surrounded by a bit of mystery. Some say that this popular Maltese surname comes from the common Christian name of Michael, which translates to “He who is like God” quite a lot to live up to there!

Variations of the first name range from Mickey to Mitchell and Miguel, and the Italian version, Miceli, which also pops up as a surname in Malta.

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The other theory as to how the surname ‘Micallef’ grew to become such a popular Maltese last name is that it has been derived from the Arab word for judge - muhallif - which is a dead ringer for our Maltese word - imħallef! So, if you, or anyone you know, by the surname of Micallef is always pretty level-headed and good at taking decisions, you can let them know they have their fair ancestors to thank for that!

12th July 2019

Nicole Parnis
Written by
Nicole Parnis
Nicole Parnis is a writer and lifestyle blogger with a passion for music and a penchant for anything retro. She loves nothing more than rummaging for new vinyl records on a Sunday with her chihuahua Frankie.

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