What a gem! Have you ever been to the mesmerising Cathedral Cave in Gozo?
These captivating photos were posted on the popular Facebook group, Malta Underground.

Lyndsey Grima

Referred to as 'The Blue Dome,' this cave is a hidden gem that awaits exploration in Gozo. Photos posted by Gregory Camenzuli on the Malta Underground Facebook page, show this magnificent cave offering an unforgettable diving experience for divers of all levels, making it one of the most spectacular dive spots on the island.

As you enter the cave, you'll be greeted by a soaring ceiling, approximately 15 meters above the water level, creating an awe-inspiring sight. The interplay of sunlight within the cave casts enchanting lighting effects, adding to the magical ambience.

Nestled in the captivating Ghasri Valley, Cathedral Cave is surrounded by towering cliffs and rock walls, immersing you in natural beauty.

For those seeking relaxation, a small beach awaits, perfect for sunbathing and soaking up the serene surroundings. Whether you're a diver or a snorkeller, the underwater world of Cathedral Cave promises an abundance of wonders to discover. Prepare to be captivated by the hidden treasures beneath the crystal-clear waters.

Did you know about the Cathedral Cave?

15th March 2024

Lyndsey Grima
Written by
Lyndsey Grima
Lyndsey has always been passionate about all things content. She keeps her storytelling skills sharp by exercising physically as she’s a fitness buff and also mentally as she enjoys reading and travelling.

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