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8 things you can expect to hear now that the heat has spiked on the Maltese Islands
The good, the bad, and the ugly!

Jillian Mallia

The sun is out, Mother Nature is turning up the heat and locals are loving (or hating) the very hot weather. But now that it’s sweltering, you’re bound to hear at least one of these phrases from locals!

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1. Xi shana, man

Probably the most common phrase to ever be used by a Maltese. You’ll probably hear a more colourful version of that phrase *insert swear word here* but I’ll leave that up to your imagination.

2. I want winter back!

We’re never happy, are we? When it’s summertime, we crave winter, and when it’s winter we just long for that summer sun.

3. Tort tal-global warming!

We’ve got to blame something, and the current culprit is global warming. Glaciers are melting, heat temperatures are rising, and our own winter was colder than ever, so yeah, it’s an issue.

4. It’s sticky

You’re hot, sweaty, your clothes are soaking, and everything is just sticking to you. Not cool. The worst is travelling by bus in this sweltering heat and all you’re feeling is a mix of other people’s sweat on your body. #Bleh

5. The car is on FIRE

Unless you’re one of the lucky ones and own a garage, your car is going to be equivalent to a stone oven every time you need to travel. Tip: park in car parks, crack open the window slightly to let a little ventilation in, or even cover your car with a sheet. #Oldschool

6. A general ‘uggggghhhhhh’

The general feeling of the population is going to be sluggish, lazy and just plain HOT. You’ll hear a lot of huffing and puffing, and a symphony of ‘uggghhh’ complaints coming out of your and your friends’ mouths.

7. Iftahlu dak l-AC ghax qed immut!

The current argument is whether we should switch on the AC in the office, at home or in the car. As soon as we get into the room or vehicle, this phrase is bound to be said because let’s face it, it’s getting hot in here!

8. Madonna, Madonna NO.

We just can't take the heat! And after a certain viral video a while back, this phrase has been used in every possible situation.

What's your favourite heat-related phrase?

12th June 2019

Jillian Mallia
Written by
Jillian Mallia
A book lover, writer and globetrotter who loves exploring new places and the local gems that the Maltese Islands have to offer. An avid foodie and arts fanatic, Jillian searches the island and beyond for the perfect settings to write about.

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