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8 GIFs that totally describe our reactions to constant gloomy weather this week
You’ll meet at least one of these!

Jillian Mallia

After a summer that brought so much sunshine, (and quite the number of heatwaves) autumn has kicked in and we’re totally feeling the change. While some of us may love this weather, others are still wishing for summer beach days. Which ever team you’re on, here are 8 GIFs that totally describe the different reactions Maltese people had to the gloomy weather this week.

1. YAS!

Rain… come to MAMA! We’re so excited for the little things. You know, like walking up the stairs and not breaking a sweat, not dying in the car after it’s been out in the sun all day. So simple but so satisfying.

2. Madonna, Madonna NO.

Those summer lovers are not too happy about it and are already grumbling about the pesky weather. “I wish we were still at the beach.” Safe to say it’s a ‘no’ from them.

3. The drama queens

Lawd have mercy. The gloomy weather is going to bring out this special breed of Maltese who will definitely be exaggerating the bad weather. “Maaa, the rain flooded my garage, I’m feeling sick, the roads are a nightmare. I don’t think I can get to work today.” Put on your big girl pants, Sharon!

4. Snuggle season!

Wup! We’re SO READY FOR SNUGGLES AND CUDDLES ON THE SOFA. Sorry… we got a little carried away there. But we’re really excited to cuddle up minus the sweat that summer snuggling brings with it. #BodyOdour

5. The car is… clean?

Bonus points to Mother Nature for saving us those €7 we would have spent to take it to the car wash. Thanks to her we still have money in our pockets AND our cars are (relatively) clean. Well, they’re definitely better than before, so we’d say it’s a win win!

6. The complainers

There’s another group of Maltese who just love to complain, and whine, and moan and bug the CRAP out of you about the weather. Like, yes, it’s raining. We get the concept. Your clothes got wet? M’hemmx x’taghmel! They’ll dry again. Eye rolls are guaranteed with this lot.

7. Food, food and more food!

The sun’s gone and you know what that means, right? We can officially stuff our faces with all of our faves for a few months, because nobody is going to see our Mediterranean fat rolls under the many layers of clothing. #Hallunihaniekol

8. Watching all the Facebook comments unfold

Obviously, locals are going to take to Facebook to ask whether it’s raining in other localities since it’s pouring in theirs, sharing pictures of flooded spots and the intense amounts of traffic.

What are you like?

9th October 2019

Jillian Mallia
Written by
Jillian Mallia
A book lover, writer and globetrotter who loves exploring new places and the local gems that the Maltese Islands have to offer. An avid foodie and arts fanatic, Jillian searches the island and beyond for the perfect settings to write about.

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