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NGO led by kind-hearted local encourages you to ‘Help feed a family this Christmas’
Celebrating the true meaning of Christmas

Sarah Micallef

For many of us, the festive season is synonymous with indulgence, with all manner of food being prepared and gorged on throughout the season. But Christmas is also a time of giving – have you ever sat at your beautifully decked out Christmas table and stopped to think about all those who aren’t so lucky? All those who struggle with putting food on the table every day, including the festive season?

One local man has made it his mission to help such families, creating NGO Help feed a family this Christmas, through which he appeals to the generosity of the Maltese people to donate food items to families in need.

I started two years ago when I noticed that people are willing to donate food, but don’t necessarily have the time to drop food off at the food bank,” Chris Mamo reveals.

While he admits that the reception was slow at first, “it quickly increased when the word spread about how I worked and what I did.” It’s been so great that Chris has gone from filling two trucks with food items in the first year to filling half a garage with donations last year, and this year, all is on track for an entire garage-worth of food donations for families in need. “It really has gone from strength to strength,” he gushes.

Here’s how you can help

To do your bit and help feed a family this Christmas, it really couldn’t be simpler.

  1. Collect as many non-perishable and long-life foods as possible, either between family members, friends or colleagues.
  2. Once you’re happy with the amount collected, send a message on the Facebook page to arrange a location, day and time for the items to be collected.
  3. That’s it, you’re done! Your donation will be taken to the food bank, helping make a difference to families in need this Christmas.

And who does the food go to? Chris works closely with the Valletta food bank, who in turn work with various organisations, to ensure that all donations go to those who truly need them. “All families that benefit from the food have been assessed by social workers and are registered to receive the food, thus ensuring only families truly in need benefit,” Chris assures.

We can’t commend this initiative enough, and having participated with our own collection last year, will be wholeheartedly doing so again this year. Who’s with us?

21st November 2019

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