Did you know that Sliema’s ‘Roman baths’ were actually built in the Victorian era?
One of Malta’s prettiest swimming spots.

Emma Galea

One of Sliema’s many picturesque views is that of the Roman baths found at Fond Ghadir Bay.

During the summer you’ll spot many people casually sitting in them, relaxing and cooling off as the sea washes back and forth.

Many have taken to refer to them as “Roman Baths” because of their shape and form but they’re in fact far from being Roman baths at all.

They instead date back to the British times here in Malta. In fact, they were most likely dug some time in Victorian era, meaning around the 19th century.

Sliema’s baths were privately owned during the time and were dug in a squarish shape where it was quite shallow.

This was likely done so those Brits who did not know or could not swim, could still enjoy the sea but in a much safer way. They even have dug in steps and stairs descending into them for easier access to the swimmers.

It was like the Victorian Brits in Malta had their own private pool overlooking all the beauty Malta had to offer at the time.

Have you ever swum in one of them?


21st November 2023

Emma Galea
Written by
Emma Galea
Emma is a Gozitan writer who loves all things related to English literature and history. When not busy studying or writing you will either find her immersed in a fictional book or at the cinema trying to watch as many films as she possibly can!

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