The Malta Taxi Charity Ride is here bringing joy and cheer to hundreds of kids
A total of 65 taxis joined forces to take out vulnerable children and their carers for a day of jam-packed fun.

Helena Grech

The annual Malta Taxi Charity Ride is underway, bringing joy and cheer to kids who find themselves in a vulnerable situation.

The charity ride has been running for an impressive 36 years, with the event organisers writing that the children look forward to this appointment from one Christmas to another.

This year around 65 taxis joined forces to take out children going through a difficult time, children with social problems, living in care and children in similar situation.

Drivers spend the day driving around these children, together with their carers, for fun activities. On Friday morning they were treated to breakfast at Pembroke Park & Ride.

DJ Claytonic Cauchi said that adults today who took part in the charity event as kids still speak about how much fun they had, and the positive impact it left on them. He added that even the drivers end the day with a smile on their face.

On the event page, it explains that for the day to be possible, drivers seek sponsors themselves, and they also collect money between themselves in order to cover the considerable expenses.

When they raise enough money, drivers even go so far as to ask about any other home needs the children may have.

27th December 2019

Helena  Grech
Written by
Helena Grech
Helena Grech is a journalist with a love for all things current, a passion for music and has a soft-spot for four-legged friends. She loves to spend her time in nature, searching for new spots with her beloved boxer-dog, Fred