Did you know? A 19th century railway lies beneath Floriana's 'Fosos'
Il-Fosos lies directly above a 700-meter tunnel!

Kim Vella

The Granaries in Floriana, better known as il-fosos, have hosted many iconic events over the years, but did you ever question what lies beneath this historic landmark?  

A large grate at this spot actually lies directly above a 700-meter railway tunnel that was operational between 1883 and 1931.  

That’s right! All those times you were stomping away at the Isle of MTV, you were right above a railway station 

"[The grate] covers a vent stack that let the soot-laden steam from the small locomotives escape," the Malta Underground Facebook page wrote. 

"Today, it is largely abandoned, serving only as a cable route," it continued. 

According to The Malta Railway Foundation Facebook page this tunnel has further historical significance, “as during the Second World War [it] served as shelter from the air raid attacks by the German Luftwaffe and the Italians.” 

The telephone lines hosted inside the tunnels served as communication lines between Valletta and the rest of the islands. 

Right next to the underground railway, one can find a whopping 76 granaries, "likely first carved out of the rock in the 18th century under the Knights, expanded in the 19th century under the British, and functioned as late as 1962." 

23rd December 2023

Kim Vella
Written by
Kim Vella
A highly curious explorer always looking to find her next adventure. Kim loves sharing her experiences and what's happening on the Maltese Islands. When not writing, you’ll probably find her playing around with some clay or somewhere surrounded by trees. She's always up for listening to people's stories about anything to do with nature, a passion project or issue you feel needs tending to.

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