Dwejra Coastal Watchtower: Heritage Saved - Heritage Restored
Standing alone amidst the beautiful, natural scenery of Gozo, the Dwejra Coastal Watchtower has a fascinating history. Visitors are welcome to explore this restored knight’s era heritage site, dating from 1652, and be rewarded with stunning, panoramic rooftop views overlooking Gozo’s dramatic coastline.
The tower was saved for the nation by Din l-Art Ħelwa, Malta’s National Trust. Recent restoration works were recently completed and the tower is once again open to visitors. Illustrated Maltese/English language information panels explain the history of both the tower and Dwejra and visitor guides are also available in 14 different languages. Entry is free of charge.
For more information and opening times - typically every Sunday, between 10.30am - 15.30pm or when the flag is flying, please visit the tower’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Dwejra.tower
The tower’s original role was to provide protection to the coastline at Dwejra during the time of Grand Master Lascaris. Men based at the tower also guarded 'Il-Ġebla tal-Ġeneral', the General’s Rock or, as it is referred to today, the Fungus Rock. On this tiny, isolated rock grew Cynomorium coccineum or Fungus Melitensis, which the Knights considered to be highly valuable. The fungus was believed to possess powerful medicinal virtues. As the popularity of the site grew, the Knights took active measures to guard Fungus Rock, which became the first protected ‘nature’ site in the Maltese Islands. Eventually, visitors were allowed to see the fungus for themselves, but it was not a journey for the faint hearted, as access was by use of a suspended rope and wooden boxcar.
Back to Nature
Today, the tower sits within a protected Natura2000 site, and is a haven for geology and ecology enthusiasts, or simply anyone wishing to enjoy nature and amazing views. A wealth of unique features including the Inland Sea, protected fossil beds, rare endemic plants and archaeological features are all contained in a relatively small area surrounded by limestone cliffs.
Dwejra is a place to visit at any time of the year, and it is a popular venue with photographers, swimmers, hikers, divers, cyclists and fans of amazing sunsets. As a designated Dark Sky Heritage Area, it is also possible to view the Milky Way with the naked eye. The nearby cliffs are also home to protected Shearwater colonies, and it is a magical experience to venture out after dark and listen to the haunting, eerie calls of these secretive seabirds under a star-filled sky.
The Dwejra Tower restoration works were part of ‘The Northern Coastal Watch’ project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme 2014 – 2020 and the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA).